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Transform Your Body!

pull-up bars, and more

New to working out? No problem!
KROC Fitness Center offers tons of FREE Fitness classes. Classes range from cardiodance, to weight training, spin and yoga classes by highly qualified staff. We have state-of-the-art fitness equipment that includes Life Fitness, Precor, Hammer Strength and more. Enjoy the convenience of an indoor track to get those daily steps in! Schedule a free fitness assessment from one of our certified Personal Trainers. Kroc Fitness Center now has the InBody machine which analyzes body fat, muscle mass and total body water.
We love to keep up with fun energy by engaging our members in quarterly fitness/wellness challenges and free monthly wellness workshops. We consider ourselves to be more than just a fitness center, but a family where everybody will know your name.
p by the Welcome Desk or Fitness Desk to sign up.

Community Spotlight: Kroc Fit Kids
The Kroc Fit Kids childhood obesity prevention program is a six-month research-based program designed to reflect proven childhood obesity prevention methods. It includes third to fifth grade students at KROC Center partner elementary schools that are ideally within walking distance of the facility.